Friday, 12 April 2019

The YMCA and Launchpad Mural.

Over the last 6 weeks Launchpad Artists and YMCA Artists have come together to create a mural for the YMCA's computer room. All the artists agreed on the theme of the Tree of Life, after talking about mindfulness and promoting good mental health. For the artists the soil represents where each individual comes from. The colours in the tree's branches can be feelings, emotions and reactions to life events. What the artists wanted to show was a tree flourishing presenting an image of strength and positivity to the residents despite whatever each individual had been through.

It has been wonderful to see our artists grow in confidence while taking on such a large project. Quite often some painters have had to push themselves to work in ways they had never had to before. A couple have taken the lead on different sections of the mural and slowly they have been adding their own personality and style into the work they have been creating. This project also marks the first time these artists have really had to work together. Other projects have had the option of individual elements allowing artists to pursue their own ideas. This artwork is a true collaboration as each artist's work had to fit within a cohesive idea. I am so proud of what everyone has achieved and all their hard work. I hope this mural brings happiness and inspiration for a long time to come.

To find out more to support YMCA Reading about the work that they do go to

To find out more about how to support Launchpad Reading and the work that they do go to


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