Launchpad is a Reading homeless support charity and we believe everyone in Reading should have a safe place to live that they can call home. And we that everyone in Reading deserves the chance to have a positive future, even if they’ve made the odd mistake along the way.
We provide:
- decent, safe accommodation for 109 Reading people
- high-quality, individually-tailored support
- and help people give back to their local community
I have been the Art Tutor for Launchpad since January 2013. In regular sessions we cover a wide variety of Art and techniques aimed to build self confidence, plan and see a project through and to build on any art skills clients might have. We have had a number of great opportunities to exhibit the Launchpad Artists' work in exhibitions in their own right and along side professional and amateur artists in Reading.
The YMCA and Launchpad Mural.
Over the last 6 weeks Launchpad Artists and YMCA Artists have come together to create a mural for the YMCA's computer room. All the artists agreed on the theme of the Tree of Life, after talking about mindfulness and promoting good mental health. For the artists the soil represents where each individual comes from. The colours in the tree's branches can be feelings, emotions and reactions to life events. What the artists wanted to show was a tree flourishing presenting an image of strength and positivity to the residents despite whatever each individual had been through.
It has been wonderful to see our artists grow in confidence while taking on such a large project. Quite often some painters have had to push themselves to work in ways they had never had to before. A couple have taken the lead on different sections of the mural and slowly they have been adding their own personality and style into the work they have been creating. This project also marks the first time these artists have really had to work together. Other projects have had the option of individual elements allowing artists to pursue their own ideas. This artwork is a true collaboration as each artist's work had to fit within a cohesive idea. I am so proud of what everyone has achieved and all their hard work. I hope this mural brings happiness and inspiration for a long time to come.
To find out more to support YMCA Reading about the work that they do go to
To find out more about how to support Launchpad Reading and the work that they do go to
Making Aslan for Launchpad's 2018 Winter Grotto.
Each December Launchpad turns it's training rooms into a Winter Grotto to give out donations to anyone who needs them over the holiday period. It is a wonderful thing to be a part of. This year the Art Group were asked to contribute towards the Narnia themed grotto by building a life sized Aslan. It was a bit daunting at the beginning but thanks to our very talented artists Aslan was finished in four weeks!
During week 1 we concentrated mainly on building a good structure making sure our Aslan would be sturdy and be able to stand on his own. Once the legs and body were sculpted out of chicken wire we made sure we gave him good strong spine and structure in the legs. We gave him a makeshift head making it clear what we had to do the next week.
In week 2 Aslan's legs were shaped better and we made sure they were well balanced. We had some left over modelling mesh which was cut up and threaded into the body to create a mane. He really started to feel like a lion!
By week 3 one of our artists was determined to make a proper head for Asian. He re-sculpted the modelling mesh we had and created teeth almost like dentures, creating them as a separate piece and gluing them in. With the teddy bear eyes I found the face really started coming alive. Lots more mane was added too.
Week 4 was just adding finishing touches, thickening the main and adding a nose. The final details really make Aslan perfect!
To find out more about what Launchpad do to help people who are homeless or vulnerable to homelessness especially in the winter months go to
Launchpad Artists exhibiting at The Holybrook Gallery, Reading Central Library. October 2018.
So proud of our extremely talented Launchpad Artists who have achieved so much this year. The Art Group have created large paintings for the Salvation Army's communal garden, created an amazing Pop Art Launchpad Wall outside the Launchpad offices and topped the year off by making some wonderful artwork for our show at the Holy Brook Gallery.
If you would like to find out more about Launchpad Reading, the work they do supporting Reading's homeless or how to support hem please visit
Making a quilt for The Big Sleep Out 2018.
After the success of the our last communal art project last year at Launchpad's Big Sleep Out the dreamcatcher, we decided we should carry on the tradition! This year in Launchpad's art sessions we created a simple unmade bed. Participants in the Big Sleep Out were invited to write positive messages for the people Launchpad support. These messages written on coloured squares of paper were then pinned on the bed creating a decorative quilt. Our bed is now proudly displayed in Launchpad's activity rooms for everyone to see!
The Launchpad Wall 2018.
Once again I am so proud of the Launchpad Artists who have created such an amazing Launchpad Wall in a record 5 weeks. The artists decided to go for a Pop Art theme this year and have created work inspired by Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns and our communal comic book rocket mural inspired by Roy Lichtenstein. We are loving the bright happy colours, even giving the wings a colourful makeover.
For more information about the wonderful work Launchpad does to help prevent homelessness in Reading go to
Launchpad Murals for Salvation Army Reading.
In January the Launchpad Artists were asked to paint large murals for the Salvation Army's new communal garden. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time painting our large wooden boards (roughly 5 metres wide x 1.5 metres high) since we began in February. The project turned into a collaboration between Salvation Army and Launchpad residents who brainstormed ideas, planned and produced the beautiful artwork. We are so proud of what everyone has made and are so excited to see them in the garden once they are all installed.
A Dreamcatcher for Launchpad's Big Sleep Out September 2017.
The Launchpad Art Group were asked to make an interactive project for Launchpad's annual fund raising event The Big Sleep Out. The Big Sleep Out is an opportunity for members of the public to sleep rough safely to raise money to help people who are homeless, or at risk at being homeless in Reading.
The Launchpad artists decided to make a large dream catcher during their regular art classes, researching how to make it and working as a team to decorate it. Members of the public who were sleeping rough were invited to write a message for the people they were helping to support offering messages of hope and positivity.
For more information about Launchpad and how to support this really important cause go to
The Launchpad Wall 2017.
The Launchpad Wall for 2017 is finally finished! So proud of all our Launchpad Artists who worked so hard on it.
For information about the amazing work Launchpad does to support Reading's Homeless follow this link
Launchpad Art Exhibition at Reading Central Reading April 2017.
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These are some highlights from the latest Launchpad Art Exhibition situated on Floor 2 at Reading Central Library. The show runs from Monday 3rd April until Friday 21st April. There is a wide variety of work plus some exciting new artists who are exhibiting with us for the first time.
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'Never Ending Staircase'. |
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'Skull'. |
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'Titanic'. |
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'Detail from 'One man's Truth'. |
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'Nature' a wall hanging by the Craft Group and a series of wax paintings. |
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Detail of a wax painting by the Craft Group. |
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Easter Chicks, Frogs and Bags created by the Craft Group. |
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Experimental Photograph by Photography Group. |
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Selection of Photographs taken during a photography trip. |
Launchpad Wall 2016.
I am very proud of our Launchpad Artists this year for producing such a vibrant wall! We have had a wide range of techniques and styles this year, more interactive parts, some heartfelt imagery and a some stylist Street Art. Come and see for yourself!
Launchpad Artists at Reading Arts Week 2016.
I am very proud that the Launchpad Artists are part of this years Reading Arts Week. The work has been created in projects since the new year including optical illusions, street art, landscape drawing, mosaic and character design. Flags that were created in Launchpad's Needlecraft group are also part of the show
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Flags created in Launchpad's Needlecraft group.Getting ready for Readipop.
Two months ago Readipop asked the Launchpad Artists to make a sign for their festival in July 2016. It was a mammoth task considering the size of the letters, limited time and limited resources. The art group quickly decided to create each letter in a different texture and to reflect the different skills of each individual. The range of materials included duct tape, sequins, patchwork fabric, different kinds of paint, papier mache, cables and old cds.
The Readipop festival is on the 8th, 9th and 10th July in Caversham, Reading.
For more details go to
A Christmas Card for Launchpad. |
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